Welcome to FFFD 3.0, the new brand and direction for 2023 and beyond!
We are a youth-led global climate justice organization building capacity, strengthening local communities, bridging gaps, and fostering unity in the climate movement through good knowledge management of digital organizing.
Through managing a digital resource hub for the climate movement, we connect and train the movement so that every (local) climate group and activist in the world has the resources and support to effectively organize for change digitally
Fridays For Future Digital is an offshoot of the global Fridays For Future movement started by Greta Thunberg. FFF Digital started the #digitalstrike movement in 2019 to create space in the FFF movement for those who can’t physically strike. In 2020, FFF Digital’s #digitalstrike unified the climate movement through the lockdown and pandemic and beyond. FFF Digital organized multi-faceted global digital campaigns like #DefendTheDefenders and #EscazuYa that have changed the landscape of the climate movement for the better.
FFF Digital has organized digital components to FFF’s global days of action or climate strikes such as panels, livestreams, digital strikes, and digital actions, for the past three years to include those who can’t join the global climate strikes in person.
Over the past two years, FFF Digital has primarily worked to organize digital campaigns and actions with frontline groups across the world to achieve climate justice wins for marginalized communities. Some of these include #SaveOkavangoDelta, #SaveZoka, and #JunkTerrorBill.
Now FFFD is shifting in a new direction focused on promoting the knowledge and resources to support local groups in effective digital campaigning, as well as the accessibility and impact of digital components of the climate movement.
By gathering and sharing knowledge on digital advocacy in connection and collaboration with our networks and partners through content creation, we can fix gaps in accessibility and impact in the climate movement
Many groups have increased accessibility in participation of digital activism such as BIPOC, disabled, neurodivergent, youth, rural, dangerous politics. Through building great connections with BIPOC and MAPA groups across the world we ensure climate knowledge is distributed equitably, as most knowledge is dominated by Western whites.
Digital organizing helps supplement in person on the ground organizing. Digital activism is a great avenue for new activists to get involved, connected and informed. Digital organizing helps activists feel less alone and helps the movement bridge the divide among groups through building united alliances. Digital actions complement in-person direct actions, increase awareness of issues and build international solidarity.
We go beyond social media. We utilize the connections and awareness formed on social media to develop a deeper community beyond social and digital media with various digital tools.